
Quick & Dirty Cloud Deployments

Deploy apps to your cloud super quick - without breaking your head over cloud’s endless complexities.

  • IAC on steroids
  • Kubernetes made likable
  • Swappable infra across GCP, AWS, Azure

Setting up CI/CD pipelines and managing cloud infrastructure is difficult

Especially when you have to move fast with fewer hands.

How do I set up VPC?
Why did I get a surprise AWS bill?
How do I ensure easy rollbacks?
How do I launch a new environment quickly?
How do I set up monitoring?
How do I avoid overprovisioning?
How do I reduce drift between environments?
How do I manage releases?
How can I save time on debugging infrastructure issues?
How do I set up monitoring?
How do I avoid vendor lock-in?
How do I set up access management?
How do I audit?
How do I secure my app?
How do I store secrets in my cloud?
How do I keep my cloud costs in check?
How do I ensure zero downtime for my system?
How do I ensure my DevOps setup is flexible?
How do I stop tech debt from piling up?
The Solution

Tackle DevOps with a self-serve deployment tool

Facets is purpose-built to help you navigate the complexities of cloud deployments without DevOps expertise.

Pre-configured CD pipelines with best practices baked in

so you won’t have to spend time setting up things from scratch

Abstracting IaC, Kubernetes, and cloud complexity 

so you save crucial Dev hours spent in infrastructure management.

Helping you avoid vendor lock-ins without adding complexity

So you can migrate cloud or go multi-cloud - should you need to.

Making your Infrastructure replicable

So you can go multi-region, multi-tenant or do private deployments.

Ensuring you use the cloud only as much as you need

So you don’t get a surprise bill.

Focus on application code while Facets takes care of the infrastructure

Observability, security, and compliance pre-configured for your apps

Use the best tools and frameworks – minus the complexity

Cloud optimised from day zero

From architecture to deployments within minutes

Step 1

Define your architecture through Facets’ pre-made tech stack templates, or create your own architecture blueprint.

Step 2

Connect your cloud and VCS accounts.

Step 3

Create and launch your environment(s).

Step 4

Continuous monitoring and observability are already taken care of.

Trusted by large scale companies with 100s of microservices

Now building to empower early stage startups.

Capillary | Facets
MPL | Facets
Treebo | Facets
Purplle | Facets
Vymo | Facets
CommerceIQ | Facets

Easiest way to deploy & scale on the cloud of your choice

Join the waitlist to access special beta pricing and be a part of Facets’ evolution.