Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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Unlock the power of

Platform Engineering

Self-Serve Deployments

Generative Automation

No more stitching together toolchains and reinventing the wheel. Empower your Ops to build code-based golden paths for Developers.
Welcome to Platform Engineering.

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | Facets
MPL | Facets
Treebo | Facets
Purplle | Facets
Vymo | Facets
CommerceIQ | Facets

Reimagine the last mile of cloud delivery as a product

Facets is a self-serve infrastructure management product that provides a unified interface for the Devs and Ops teams to work together.

Without Facets
With Facets

The next phase of Infra as Code is Infra as Product

Architecture Visualization

Visualize your entire architecture with the Microservice Catalogue. With a unified interface, the catalogue gives engineering teams a bird's eye view of all the services. They can visualize dependencies and owners of various services, debug better and stay efficient.

Architecture Visualization

Automated Environment Provisioning

Remove dependencies on Ops and empower your Devs to spin up environments in a jiffy. Hibernate environments on low usage, run on spot nodes, spawn different environments on multiple clouds using a single pane and do much more.

Automated Environment Provisioning

Application Configuration Management

Manage environment variables, configuration files, database settings across all your services and environments. Store them securely as secrets. Ease service discovery for your Developers. All from one centralized platform.

Application Configuration Management

Release Management

One place to manage and visualize all infrastructure and application changes. You can do a full release for synchronizing all changes in an environment, selective release or a custom release for complete control and flexibility over the release.

Release Management


Facets comes packaged with open source solutions like Loki, Grafana and Prometheus. With the nuances and variables out of the way, your team doesn't have to waste time setting up complex solutions and can start using pre-configured dashboards and logs right away.


Integrates with all major cloud providers

Works with GCP, Azure, and AWS

Why Facets

Platform engineering simplified for large and complex cloud workloads


Facets is more than just a tool—it's a dynamic platform and a robust framework that's designed to be extensible. Your Ops team can always integrate new tools and services to cater to your business needs.


Templatize your architecture 'blueprint' for once and reuse it to launch multiple environments. No more mundane, repetitive tasks for your Ops team. They finally have time to work on qualitative tasks

Well Architected

Facets comes with well-architected principles out of the box. Our DevOps experts provide you one-click access to solutions with Observability and Security principles baked in.

Deeper audits

Instead of information being spread across multiple tools, Facets ensures everyone works from one single platform. You always know who did what, who changed what. Single source of truth.

Standardized workflows

Facets brings in standardization across all aspects – how you deploy, monitor, and access metrics – all of these are defined in a consistent way. Everyone speaks the same language and can easily comprehend their own and dependent services.

The impact of Facets


increase in Developer productivity


reduced cloud cost


Ops time freed up from grunt work


infrastructure automation

“The framework and collaboration aspect made us take the plunge. We can now focus on high-value activities and not mundane Ops. That's a big unlock for me!"

Suyash Katyayani,
Co-Founder & CTO, Purplle

Purplle’s time to go live is 25x faster

Read case study

“Our Staging environments now look identical to  Production environments and we now have multiple production clusters which in turn look similar. This is a big win for us!”

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

Read case study

“Our releases are faster, we need less developer time, and our teams are free to focus on building exciting features. We have saved hundreds of person-hours and seen significant cost savings.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies

Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

Read case study

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