Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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Application Orchestration


A Kubernetes add-on that enables cloud-native resource management across multiple providers



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An open-source Kubernetes add-on that enables cloud-native resource management across multiple cloud providers. It extends Kubernetes' capabilities to provision and manage infrastructure resources such as databases, storage, and services from various cloud providers, allowing for a unified management experience within Kubernetes clusters. With Crossplane, users can define and manage infrastructure resources using familiar Kubernetes-style APIs and declarative configuration, simplifying the management of complex cloud environments.

Key Features

  • Allows users to provision and manage resources across multiple cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and others.
  • Extends Kubernetes with custom resource definitions (CRDs) and controllers, enabling users to manage infrastructure resources using familiar Kubernetes-style APIs and tools.
  • Users can define infrastructure resources and their desired state using declarative configuration files, simplifying resource management and automation.
  • Crossplane supports resource composition, enabling users to define complex infrastructure configurations by combining multiple resources into higher-level abstractions.

How does it work?

Real world example


  • Enables infrastructure provisioning through code, facilitating declarative management of cloud resources.
  • Supports managing resources across various cloud providers, promoting multi-cloud strategies.
  • The toolkit provides a unified control plane to manage infrastructure across multiple cloud providers and on-premises environments.


  • Some cloud provider-specific features may not be fully supported or available through Crossplane.
  • Integrating Crossplane with existing workflows and toolchains may require additional integration effort and planning.
  • Users may face a learning curve due to the complexity of managing infrastructure through a declarative model.

Deployment Activity

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Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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