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Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

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"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

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An open-source distributed tracing system that helps developers gather and analyze timing data in microservices and other distributed systems



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A distributed tracing system designed to help developers troubleshoot and monitor microservices and other distributed systems. It provides insights into the flow of requests through various services, allowing users to identify performance bottlenecks and diagnose issues. With its user-friendly interface and powerful visualization capabilities, Zipkin enables teams to gain deep visibility into their applications' behavior and optimize performance effectively.

Key Features

1. Zipkin allows users to trace requests as they propagate through distributed systems, providing end-to-end visibility into service interactions.
2. It automatically generates dependency maps based on traced data, helping users understand how different services interact with each other.
3. It supports multiple storage backends, including Elasticsearch, MySQL, and Cassandra, giving users flexibility in choosing the storage solution that best fits their needs.
4. Zipkin is designed to handle large-scale tracing data, making it suitable for deployment in complex, high-traffic environments.

How does it work?

Real world example


1. Zipkin provides end-to-end visibility into service interactions, facilitating the diagnosis of performance issues across complex microservices architectures.
2. With its automatic generation of dependency maps, Zipkin aids in understanding the relationships between different services, helping teams visualize and comprehend the underlying system architecture.
3. Designed to handle large-scale tracing data, Zipkin boasts scalability features that make it suitable for monitoring enterprise-level applications with high transaction volumes and complex service meshes.
4. Zipkin offers seamless integrations with various frameworks, libraries, and platforms, enabling straightforward instrumentation of applications across different programming languages and environments.


1. Collecting and storing tracing data can impose significant resource overhead on the system, including CPU, memory, and storage, potentially impacting the performance of applications and infrastructure components.
2. While Zipkin offers essential tracing capabilities, it may lack some advanced features found in other tracing solutions, such as sophisticated analytics, anomaly detection, or advanced visualization options.
3. Like any complex software, the toolkit requires regular maintenance, updates, and monitoring to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and security, which may require dedicated resources and effort from the operations team.

Deployment Activity

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Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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